red dot radio

2 hour show every night

record requests every night 8 - 10p.m.
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red dot radio in action

Friends & Supporters

Shortbread House of Edinburgh

Hospedia - Sponsor

Lothian Buses - Sponsor

mac-signs - Sponsor

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'Heard It - Played It - Seen It'

'Donate It'

raising funds

Look for the yellow bin in the RVS canteen area

CDs, computer games and dvds can be turned into funds, so long as they have a bar code

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About Us

The overall principle of EHBS is to provide entertainment, education and information for patients and staff in hospitals and like establishments by means of radio programmes & to maintain operation independent of outside influence.

Make you smile with red dot radio

If we can make you smile, then our mission is a success!



What Is Hospital Radio?

Hospital Radio is a closed circuit radio service which is piped directly to the patients bedsides. The programmes are tailored especially to the needs of the patients in that particular hospital. There are well over 300 hospital radio services throughout Britain ranging from small one-man operations in just one hospital to large services with over a hundred members and serving many hospitals in their area.

Here in Edinburgh there are three services at present, Mayfield Radio which operates mainly on the south side of the city, Radio Lollipop which serves the Royal Hospital for Sick Children, and us, red dot radio.

When did red dot radio start?

The old Royal Infirmaryred dot radio started to broadcast at 7pm on the 10 November 1997 from the East Studio of our premises in the grounds of the Royal Infirmary. Previous to that the Edinburgh Hospital Broadcasting Service (EHBS) broadcasted.

EHBS was formed in 1962 when a group of hi-fi enthusiasts wanted to extend the service they were then providing by using their own record playing and tape recording equipment to play music for patients actually in the wards of some Edinburgh hospitals.

Click Here for a more detailed story of EHBS from 1962 through to 1987 (written by Bryn Goodwin).

Where is it?

Premises were found in the centre of the city centre of the city in Hanover Street where EHBS operated from right up until the end of 1993. We then broadcast from our studio in the Eastern General until the 10 November 1997 when we started to broadcast from our new purpose built studios at the Royal Infirmary with our new name red dot radio.

In 1962 only a few programmes went out each week, but now programmes go out every night of the year with additional daytime programmes at the weekend and over the Christmas and New Year period.

How can I listen to it?

red dot radio cannot be heard on an ordinary radio set. Instead, programmes are broadcast live from central studios and relayed throughout the city to the various hospitals by means of permanent British Telecom private circuits.Tommy demonstrates how to use the headset

Which hospitals receive red dot radio?

Patients in the following hospitals can listen to programmes from red dot radio:

  • The Royal Infirmary
  • Royal Victoria
  • Western General

What are we not?

radio2We are not a commercial radio station, or the BBC that can be heard by anybody. We are a hospital radio station, providing entertainment to patients only. However you can still make a request if you have a friend or relative who is in the hospital. Cheer them up with a little tune and special message.


Sorry! - We do not train media studentsWe are not a media studies training service. Everyone who works at red dot radio is a volunteer. To provide quality services we need to have people who can commit to at least 3 hours per week, on a regular basis (every week). We also would like volunteers to commit to at least one year with the station. Remember - the more you put into something, the more you get out of it.


We are not doctors but we can make you feel betterWe are not qualified medical people. If you have a medical problem speak to someone with a white coat. We do visit the hosiptals on a regular basis, we carry a clipboard and we talk to patients, but do not mistake us for medical staff. The medical staff are good and helpful people. If we miss you while we are visiting, speak to one of the hospital staff and they will pass on your request.


Border Bicuits

Shortbread House of Edinburgh - main sponsors of the request shows.

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